
TechTalk will be held on Friday, January 27 at Roosevelt High School, 3436 W. Wilson Ave. Participants can enter through either the main entrance on Wilson Ave. or through the center doors adjacent to the parking lot.

Transportation via CTA:
Roosevelt High School is located right at the last stop on the CTA Brown line. We highly encourage participants to go green and take the CTA to TechTalk!

Parking: Limited parking is available in the parking lot behind the school. Participants attending TechTalk have also been granted permission to park along the perimeter of the school and on the neighborhood streets. Please print out this parking pass to put in your car for the day of TechTalk if you are planning on parking in the neighborhood: TechTalk Parking Pass

Hotel information
For vendors and sponsors coming from out of town:

There is no room block set up for this event. Roosevelt High School is nestled in the middle of a neighborhood and not near any mainstream hotels. Below is a list of hotels downtown and near the airports. Roosevelt is located in a north side neighborhood equidistant from downtown Chicago and O’Hare Airport (about eight to ten miles).